sábado, 7 de julho de 2012

"I read the news today oh boy...

about a lucky man who made the grade!"

it's bizarre, sometimes, this blogosphere... At the end of my week I caught myself thinking a lot about Inga... 
Unlike her, I did not have the guts to take a leap of faith, but destiny took care of it for me.
Four months ago I lost my job, and this week, out of the blue, I got the greatest opportunity I could ever imagine...

life does leads its on way sometimes.

Hope you all had a great week...

And New Orleans in black and white film...
(sorry but now you'll have to put up with all my pics from the road trip... lol)

5 comentários:

  1. Congrats - and yes, I often find that life turns out in the best of ways even when you don´t expect it! :-)

  2. oh je suis contente pour toi ! mon père me dit toujours : " il n'arrive jamais rien par hasard ! "
    elles sont superbes tes photos en noir et blanc !
    merci pour toutes tes visites sur notre île ^_^

  3. c'est insupportable de ne pas en savoir plus ;)

  4. aw, THANK YOU for these wonderful pictures of new orleans. i am secretly in love with this city and it's trees. now you can imagine how happy your tree pictures made me!

  5. I am glad the destiny took over :) I gave up waiting for that. Few rules. My work has to be more fun than boring, I have to feel good about what I am doing and the work has to give me more than it takes from me. I am in the travel industry now. I took one leap, one of many I think now. But that is exciting :)
